North Island Students’ Union

The North Island Students’ Union (NISU) needed 3 short social media videos (Youtube, Instagram & Facebook):

One to promote NISU as an organization for students (with a variety of benefits & perks) that they could use for a long period of time (crucial messaging for the start of every term, as new students join North Island College)

Two additional short videos for an upcoming election which would encourage students to vote and to inform students about the details of the election (and why they needed to vote).

The timeline between approval of the project through their Board and the launch of the social media videos was very tight. NISU also typically develops their social media content using Canva, which gives their content a certain look & feel. They also wanted to ensure their videos had captions, even on social media.

We acknowledged that they didn’t have a lot to invest in updating their introduction video annually, so we decided to make their video in their own Canva account, so that they could easily alter the video in future.


Where the Wind Meets the Tide


Abyssal Diving